March 17, 2021


A. Organizational Matters


I.               Call meeting to order – Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Lisa Daily

II.              II. Attendance – Members: L. Daily, A. Church, P. Halyeko, 

A. Church, D. Potack, A. Niles; Others: D. Chafiezadeh, J. Welles, A. Filosa, D. Mangaser, E. Talbott, Guests: Bill Fioravanti, Charlie Huebner, Philippe Pierre

III.        Review & Approval of February 2021 Minutes – Accepted Minutes. 

IV.        Review & Approval of Financial Report February 2021- Accepted Financial Report.

V.         Board retreat/strategic planning process- J. Welles discussed that there was a meeting between her, L. Daily and the NY Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) consultant funded by the Dyson Foundation. The consultant will provide a proposal to us and suggests forming a smaller group to come up with key strategies to present to the full board.  We should also fit our plan into the city’s economic development and housing needs and wait for the recommendations to come out from the Housing Needs Assessment and others. A. Church states that the Planning Department staff finished a full review of the draft Housing Needs Assessment and the consultants are presenting to the Council next week, after which the draft report will be released to the public.



B. Property Related Matters


I.    New development/2 Family renovations: 

1.     House to Home update:  

i.                27 and 43 Johnston: E. Talbott updated Board: both 27 Johnston St and 43 Johnston have begun electric service and meters to the buildings; 43 Johnston has begun framing; 27 Johnston St is a little behind due to not getting the permit at the same time, working towards rough plumbing and lay outs.

ii.              115 and 150 Lander: J. Welles states bid was awarded to Carlos Arturo Contracting, at the Executive Session at the last meeting, and she is working on execution of the contract. The permit applications are in process for those buildings.. 

2.     Church of Holy Deliverance: 37 Chambers/Lander St lots update: J. Welles spoke to Surveyor who is still getting the application for the subdivision prepared for the Planning Board, which looks like it will now by for May meeting.

3.     151 Liberty/10 Chambers co-marketing plan.  Bill Fioravanti was present from the City’s Economic Committee to discuss co-marketing the parcels.  The City owns 151 Liberty and the NCLB owns 10 Chambers and at one point 30 years ago it was a single lot but was divided into two; Remediation by DEC was completed at both sites from leaking underground petroleum tanks from former gas station at 151 Liberty.  We are awaiting the environmental easement before it can be sold or redeveloped, which could take about 6 months.  D. Chafizadeh suggested having a Memorandum of Interest between the parties to sell them jointly.  A. Church states she will bring Jeremy Kaufman, General Counsel for the City to a future meeting to discuss this.  


II.              Sales of NCLB Development Projects:

1.     104 Washington Street update– P. Pierre presented on the latest iteration of the building; he states he went back to his design professionals to incorporate the feedback from ARC and others, he submitted the new design to ARC a couple of weeks ago; simplified the design elements with brick and metal cladding and the building is now 4 stories high, mixed use with 2 glass storefronts on the ground floor; the solution to the objections over the 6 story height was 4 stories with 14 foot ceilings with each residential unit lofted with mezzanines; The total building height would be 65 feet, instead of the originally proposed 75. He hopes to have ARC approval by April 20th. 

2.     143 Washington Street to BJH update – Michael Meola submitted a letter to the board and presented in person; he stated that the constructions costs estimated by the contractor they used for their RFP, is now 30% higher, since they have gotten more information about the property and design.    BJH plans on doing more diligence; identifying one or two more contractors for competitive pricing and perhaps renovating the existing building only and not doing the new construction planned on the vacant portion of the lot.  If that were the case, they would remove the existing 3 bay garage that is in poor condition and improve the lot for public/private use. However, they are still trying to make the full project with new construction work.  In either case, Osborne Association would occupy the first floor office and have already been approved for 5 ESSHI units in the building that would provide supportive housing, giving preference for residents from Newburgh. The board suggested coming back when they have more information about their plans.

3.     62 Campbell–J. Welles reported that the building was sold to Alexey Otvarkin, a current resident of the City of Newburgh, for approximately $18,000 in proceeds; there is a deed restriction that it be owner occupied by someone making 80% area median income or less and he has 18 months to get a certificate of completion for the full renovation needed.

4.     RFA’s for 39 S. Miller and 38 Lander St.- J. Welles states that RFA’s were to be submitted by March 15th and NCLB only received one applicant for 38 Lander, which was underbudget. D. Potack makes a motion to extend the application to April 15, subject to all statutory requirements, A. Church seconds the motion. Motion is accepted.


III.             Building Preservation Program/ Other

1.     44 S. Miller demolition plan-update– J. Welles reported that we are waiting on the work plan from the engineer. 

2.     86 Lander St: J. Welles reports that the purchaser, James Gibbons, submitted a request for a  6-10 month extension to complete the project; He purchased from NCLB in March 2019 and had a 2 year requirement to receive his certification of completion.   He is currently 60 to 75% complete; and submitted photos of his progress.  His delays were related to the Covid 19 pandemic. A. Church: states he gets his inspection regularly and is meeting milestones. D. Potack moves to extend the completion date for another year A. Church seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion is approved. D. Potack exits meeting.



J. Welles states: No new business to report. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.


D. Next Board Meeting April 21, 2021, 3:00pm