October 21, 2020

A. Organizational Matters


I. Call meeting to order – Meeting called to order at 3:05p.m. by Lisa Daily

II. Attendance – Members: L. Daily, A. Church, K. White, P. Halayko, D. Potack, R. Monteverde. Others: D. Chafiezadeh, J. Donat, J. Welles, A. Filosa, D. Mangaser, E. Talbott

III. Review & Approval of September 2020 Minutes –Accepted Minutes. 


B. Property Related Matters


I.    New development/2 Family renovations: 

1.     House to Home:  J. Welles states staff released the bid for the renovation of 27 & 43 Johnston.  RFP is due November 10th, 2020. J. Welles states we have had 3 or 4 Contractors who expressed their interest. We obtained the permit for 43 Johnston street – Approvals for ARC on both projects.

2.     115 and 150 Lander –J. Welles states will release an RFP for a General Contractor for both together. Drawings for 150 Lander St. to be presented at next ARC meeting. 

3.     Holy Deliverance: 37 Chambers/Lander St lots – J. Welles states that staff is working with the surveyor on the subdivision ; the surveyor has a draft plat for 37 Chambers, which will remain with the Church and NCLB will purchase the 3 newly drawn lots on Lander St; the surveyor is presenting to the City.  The church also has to go through the legal process with the Attorney General to approve selling an asset.

4.     143 Washington Street: J. Welles: BJH Advisors joined the call/livestream to present their proposal for the property.

L. Daily introduces Anna Dietsch with their design team Design for Six Feet, Michael Meola, Developer, BJH, Kaja Kuehl – Design for Six Feet; Kei Hayashi- , BJH; Cameron Boucher, BJH; Liz McEneny – Design for Six Feet. Presentation follows. Summary: BJH Advisors will be working with the construction firm Baxter Group; John Powell will be the Architect of Record. Proposal includes: 10,000 sq. ft. 4 story building with 5thfloor laundry; 15 studios, 2 one bedrooms at 80% AMI; 5 studios below 80% AMI; BJH will work with the non-profit Osborne Associates; A. Dietsch states: studios will be 390 sq. ft.; 430 sq. ft. each, with two (2) one bedroom at 600 sq. ft. each. Common areas at back; ADA access for accessibility; storage for bikes or seating areas. Fifth Floor: one studio apt w/partially located small common area; laundry. K. Kuehl: Designer for Design for Six Feet, states that the Osborne Association will have offices in the commercial space on ground floor and BJH will possibly share office space to have a presence in Newburgh; 5 units may get funded through Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative: ESSHI; they will work with Newburgh Ministries to ensure local residents are given priority; The financing will include: owner equity 15%; a construction loan via CPC (private lender), DHCR small Building Participation Loan program; Historic tax credits through Federal Government.  They will also apply for the City’s microunit loan and a PILOT through the IDA.


Michael Meola: 5 units out of the 17 can be filled from Ministry Shelter.

D. Potack asks if there is any concern of coordination of these efforts and what type of challenges? K. Hayashi states: “complicated capital stack” but they approached the IDA and have preliminary underwriting from CPC; this is a proposal and they are willing to make adjustments; D. Potack asks to remind the Board of their overall Budget and the monthly and annual revenue for the building.  K. Hayashi stated the development budget is $2.4 – 2.5 million with contingencies. D. Potack: How much monthly or annual rent collection?; C. Boucher states: net operating of $10,000 a month once stabilized.. R. Monteverde: asks if ESSHI funding up to 5 units would be 30% Area Median Income. K. Hayashi: said it was a pending component and they if don’t get the ESSHI or the the micro unit grant, they will be fine with other sources.  L. Daily: Asks if they don’t get the microunit grant what will you do? K. Hayashi: said they didn’t underwrite it with the micro unit grant or PILOT. R. Monteverde: Did not underwrite with those or the Historic tax credits. D. Potack asked what is the time line for project? K. Hayashi: An aggressive timeline would be by June 2022.


II.              62 Campbell–Deadline extended for October 31, 2020.  J. Welles stated that we haven’t had any additional responses yet.


III.             NCLB Development Projects:


1.   1.  104 Washington Street –J. Welles states we are in contract w/developer, Mistral, who is seeking approvals from the Land Use Committees; ARC asked them to come back with more detail. L. Daily: A lot of discussion from last night’s public planning board meeting: Local business people are mostly concerned about the zoning, parking and the process; no set back in the yard; closed public hearing. R. Monteverde asks if they got approval from Zoning. L. Daily states: Yes. Public may disagree but we as Planning Board cannot deny meeting zoning needs J. Donat states he will support that decision.  A. Church states that the Board should know that 2 ft of the property is on City’s right of way and that Developer will have to remove 2 ft. of the building from the City property and they would have to rebuild it further north on their property. D. Chafizadeh agrees with comments from A. Church. D. Potack asks what the opposition to the project was L. Daily says more about the process than anything else, the way that the zoning was done. R. Monteverde says she has received good feedback about the project from residents. The only opposition she has gotten was to the parking.


2.   Habitat for Humanity—J. Welles states nothing new to report.


IV.              Building Preservation Program/ Other

1.     128 Dubois – J. Welles states that work started this week; repairs are structural and asbestos and lead abatement; 38 Lander – awaiting permit for contractor to begin lead abatement.

2.     44 S. Miller – J. Welles states staff working on the draft of the bid seeking contractors to do demolition.

3.     10 Chambers Street/151 Lander St.—J. Welles states DEC cleanup at 151 Liberty Street, which is City owned, has extended onto 10 Chambers.   Petroleum from underground storage tanks at 151 Liberty, a former gas station, has contaminated the soil, which is being removed.  After cleanup and infill is complete, an Environmental Easement will be obtained. When that is complete the City & NCLB would like to combine the lots into one potential development project. 

4.     Extensions– 82 Liberty Street, J. Welles stated that the purchaser requested another extension due to delays related to Covid.  They have done a lot of the work, but it is slow going.  D Potack motioned to grant the purchaser a six month extension, with a 90 day update on milestones. A. Church seconded.  All approved. Purchasers of 123 and 125 William Street requested a one year extension to complete 125 William.  123 William is complete and leased, but they need more time for 125 William. J. Donat motions to grant a six month extension; A. Niles seconded, all approved; 27 City Terrace requested another extension.  They are four years behind and are already in contract to sell the property, despite not having obtained the Certificate of Occupancy as per the restrictive covenant. They claim delays related to Covid and inspections, but that they will not sell the property until they get the CO.  D. Potack makes motion for 60 day extension, A. Church seconds, all approved ; A. Church will follow up with B. Horton about the status of inspections.

4.   Artist-in-Vacancy program—D. Mangaser states that Gabriela Galvan ran a walk and drawing workshop at the Newburgh Open Studio Tours. Anais Maviel, one of our artists, performed at the installation of the Harriet Tubman Sculpture at the Newburgh Public library and will coordinate another performance for AIV possibly in the Spring. Kate Bae and Chihiro Shibayama will be creating an installation interpreting music by Woody Fullerton, Judge Fullerton’s son.  Our website has all the artist information.  This year’s program will be extended through the Spring due to Covid restrictions and artist availability.


C. Executive Session – L. Daily motions to go into Executive Session: A. Church initiates the Motion. D. Potack seconds the Motion. All are in favor. The Motion is Approved.  L. Daily motions to Adjourn Meeting at 4:27pm


D. Next Board Meeting November 18 2020, 3:00pm