Board of Directors Meeting
July 1, 2018

A. Organizational Matters

I. Call meeting to order—4:30 PM 

II. Attendance—L. Daily, D. Potack, P. Halayko, D. Glenn, K. Mejia

III. Minutes—approve May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes—P. Halayko made a motion to approve the May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes.  D. Potack seconded the motion.  All approved. 

IV. Financial Report-through June 2018  P. Halayko makes a motion to approve the financial report. D. Glenn seconds.  All approve.

V. NY Land Bank funding updates—OAG CRI 4, NYLBA state funding request –M. Fletcher offered update that the most recent CRI was released the week prior and that staff would begin work on the application over the summer.   Additionally, M. Fletcher updated the board the Ny Land Bank Association is working to get a budget request into the next state budget to start building permanent financing for land banks.


B. Property Related Matters

I. Property Update

a. Abatement and Demolition Planning—Abatement RESOLUTION w/ SEQR Type II—Newburgh Community Land Bank, through its CRI funds intend to undertake asbestos abatement on select properties that will be redeveloped. Pursuant to the rules of SEQR, asbestos abatement on these properties is a Type II action.  D. Potack made a motion to pass the resolution finding abatement work on land bank properties to be a SEQR Type II action. P. Halayko seconded the motion and all approved. 

b. RUPCO project planning update and Phase I update—brief update that RUPCO is continuing to evaluate properties for inclusion into a Phase II project for LIHTC and Historic Tax Credits that will also potentially include mixed use component.

c. Neighbors for Neighborhoods Update—167 N Miller is awaiting permits to start construction, 45 and 45 A Lander is a possible project and 104 Washington is a possible project that needs construction financing.  Board would like the financing for 104 Washington to be secured prior to September 1 so that the work on the project can proceed before the end of the year per the requirements of N4N program. 

II.  Offer to purchase 55 Farrington St from Ermalin Mcleod-RESOLUTION—Ermalin Mcleod is a qualified purchaser pursuant to the goals of the House to Home program for the purchase of 55 Farrington St. D. Potack makes a motion to approve the sale of 55 Farrington St for the price of $75,000 to Ermalin McLeod as a home owner occupant. The property must be a homeowner occupied property for at least 10 years and earn no more than 80% AMI at the time of purchase.  K. Mejia seconds the motion and all approve. 

III. RFP—Proposal Process Summary and Review of Proposals

            a. 168 Lander St—B. Blackman presented the chart reviewing the proposals received through the RFP process.  Jeff Wilkinson appeared to present his proposed development concept of a three family restored historic structure with a plan to sell to an owner occupant in 5-10 years following completion. The board preferred Jeff Wilkinson’s plan and qualifications to other submissions, judging it to be most practical and feasible. D. Potack made a motion to select Jeff Wilkinson as the preferred purchaser provided that Mr. Wilkinson would begin construction no more than 60 days following the transfer of title and including a time is of the essence clause in the purchase and sale agreement to initiate the process efficiently.  P. Halayko seconded the motion. All approved.

            b. 123/125 William St—B. Blackman reviewed the summary of the process, including all proposals received and the discussion from the planning committee meeting.  Planning committee advised that the McCartney proposal was most feasible proposal following the follow up questions regarding access to capital and contingencies. D. Potack made a motion to approve McCartney proposal for the purchase of 123 and 125 William Street for a price of $60,000 and for the land bank staff to set the final terms of the transfer. L. Daily seconded the motion and all approved. 

            c. 10 Dubois St—B. Blackman presented the proposal received from Amir Mumtaz.  Board requested clarification on whether the budget is realistic. D. Glenn made a motion to conditionally approve the proposed purchase of 10 Dubois St by Amir Mumtaz for $5,000 conditioned upon a satisfactory response including construction comparisons, how the project would be financed if the costs ran over the proposed budget (which seems low), and requiring construction to start within sixty days of title transfer and a time is of the essence clause for closing in the P & S agreement.  P. Halayko second the motion. All approve.

            d. 290 Liberty St—Kent Peterson submitted the only proposal to acquire the property and utilize it as yard space. Peterson is working to purchase the neighboring property.  P. Halayko had to leave the meeting and no quorum was present to proceed with a vote.  Additional outreach would be done in consideration of other neighbors until the following meeting to ensure fair opportunity.


IV. Issue 86 Lander RFP—staff intends to release an RFP for the redevelopment of 86 Lander St.

V. (ITEM MOVED UP between III c and III d to maintain quorum)  Ratify Contract for emergency demolition of 162 N Miller-RESOLUTION—Resolution to ratify the emergency demolition contract from AECC for the emergency demolition of 162 N Miller St, per City of Newburgh requirement.  D. Potack made a motion to ratify the contract. P. Halayko seconded the motion. All Approved.

VI. Use of 122 Lander St for container gardening by NUFFI—M. Fletcher mentioned that NUFFI is interested in maintaining container gardens at 122 Lander, but will present update at later date

VII. Potential acquisition update—NCLB staff is working with City of Newburgh to identify In rem list properties to acquire when the In Rem property is finalized.  

VII. Artist In Vacancy Update—D. Mangaser is working on a series of projects with artists in city owned and Land bank owned properties—both installations and performance based. 


Meeting closed at 5:40 PM.


Next meeting: Sept 17, 2018